Trusting and Obeying
by Rusty Stowe - Senior Adult Pastor
Through the years, we have had those times of sharing our favorite songs and scriptures with each other. Many times our favorite songs are about things in our personal lives such as joy, peace, happiness, heartache, and faith. We have also had times of sharing our favorite Bible passages. At some point, someone will quote Proverbs 3:5-6 as being their favorite scripture, In the New International Version of the Bible it reads like this: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. The King James reads much like this version: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” While the Living Bible paraphrases it by saying: “ If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. 6 In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”
This verse is one of the most popular verses to memorize and then to quote when called upon. It speaks to many of us as we go through our day-by-day business schedules. It reminds us of what GOD does and what WE must do.
The Bible tells us what God will do for us. He will direct our paths. He is reminding us that we have someone to stand with us to provide His love, care, and strength when we need it. We have someone to help us as we deal with the ins and outs of this old world. Sometimes we forget we are not in this battle by ourselves. God has said, “Trust Me and I will be right here!”
The question is this, “How can we trust God to direct our paths?” The writer of Proverbs tells us there are two things for us to do. One, is to TRUST God. In the original language the word “trust” meant to “lie helplessly face downward.” Secondly, we must ACKNOWLEDGE God. It really meant to “be aware of God” and to have fellowship with Him. As we get closer to God, as we become aware of who He is, as we fellowship with Him then we begin to hear Him and sense His presence in our lives.
Put the words of Proverbs 3:5-6 to practice in your lives this week. Trust Him and Seek Him and let Him control the direction of your path.
Have a great week of TRUSTING and LEANING and see what happens!
This verse is one of the most popular verses to memorize and then to quote when called upon. It speaks to many of us as we go through our day-by-day business schedules. It reminds us of what GOD does and what WE must do.
The Bible tells us what God will do for us. He will direct our paths. He is reminding us that we have someone to stand with us to provide His love, care, and strength when we need it. We have someone to help us as we deal with the ins and outs of this old world. Sometimes we forget we are not in this battle by ourselves. God has said, “Trust Me and I will be right here!”
The question is this, “How can we trust God to direct our paths?” The writer of Proverbs tells us there are two things for us to do. One, is to TRUST God. In the original language the word “trust” meant to “lie helplessly face downward.” Secondly, we must ACKNOWLEDGE God. It really meant to “be aware of God” and to have fellowship with Him. As we get closer to God, as we become aware of who He is, as we fellowship with Him then we begin to hear Him and sense His presence in our lives.
Put the words of Proverbs 3:5-6 to practice in your lives this week. Trust Him and Seek Him and let Him control the direction of your path.
Have a great week of TRUSTING and LEANING and see what happens!
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