Africa and Tailgate

by Jeff Kimes - Executive Pastor

Trip to Africa

I would like to thank you for your prayers while we were on our trip to Africa. We saw God work in some awesome and exciting ways. We spent 5 days with the Maasai tribe and were able to do some leadership training with the group. Rob and Laura are doing well and your show of love through the care package you sent meant so much to them. They were all overwhelmed with joy.

This Sunday night we will have a summer missions report, and the team will share with the church all that the Lord has done and is doing through the mission efforts of our church.

The Annual Tailgate Cookoff

Sunday evening September 29 will be our annual Tailgate Cookoff. This is an event for the whole family. The event starts at 5:30 pm and there will be many different foods to try along with a corn hole tournament, 4v4 volleyball tournament and inflatables for the kids. This year the cooking competition will include a sweet and savory category. You may enter either one or both. To sign up for the cooking competition please contact the church office or email Jeff Kimes and let us know what you will be cooking. You can sign up for the corn hole and volleyball tournaments the day of the event.

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