The Time for Harvest is Now
by Rusty Stowe - Senior Adult Pastor
Sometimes being in the “right “place at the “right” time has a lot to say for itself. For instance, some business people on Wall Street have become billionaires because they had the ability to recognize a financial “opportunity” and were in the right “place” at the right “time” to take advantage of that opportunity. Some battles in history were fought and won because men and women were ready and willing to work and fight at “crucial” and “critical” times. Their battle cry seemed to be “Seize the Day!”
We are at a point in the life of our church that we need to “seize the day.” Pastor Griff has been challenging us to sense the urgency of telling others about Jesus. As we move into the last few months of this year, we need to see that the time for spiritual harvest is NOW!
It is time for use to feel the need for URGENCY. We cannot put off till tomorrow what needs to be done today! We cannot wait for someone else to step up and take the lead in telling others about Jesus. We cannot relive the “good old days” when revival fires swept our church and our nation. The time is NOW!
In Hebrews 11 we read, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Not faith in the future, but faith for today! As long as we put off doing what we know God wants us to do, the more difficult it will be to do anything at all. What we must do is put a little three letter word back into our spiritual vocabulary, and that word is “NOW!” Now is the time for us to experience revival in our church and in our community. God is not so concerned with how good we did ministry in the past, as He is concerned with what are we going to do in the future.
If we really believe the Word of God, we must keep on – keeping on! We need to keep on looking and asking and searching. If we are faithful in a few things – God will move. Evangelism is something that can easily be put-off and just turned over to someone else. But if your read God’s Word it is a responsibility for all of us to carry the message of God’s love and forgiveness to those who need to hear it.
A music composer by the name of Lanny Wolfe wrote these words years ago:
“My house is full, but My field is empty.
Who will go and work for Me today?
It seems My children all want to stay around My table,
But no one wants to work in My field,
No one wants to work in My field.”
We are at a point in the life of our church that we need to “seize the day.” Pastor Griff has been challenging us to sense the urgency of telling others about Jesus. As we move into the last few months of this year, we need to see that the time for spiritual harvest is NOW!
It is time for use to feel the need for URGENCY. We cannot put off till tomorrow what needs to be done today! We cannot wait for someone else to step up and take the lead in telling others about Jesus. We cannot relive the “good old days” when revival fires swept our church and our nation. The time is NOW!
In Hebrews 11 we read, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Not faith in the future, but faith for today! As long as we put off doing what we know God wants us to do, the more difficult it will be to do anything at all. What we must do is put a little three letter word back into our spiritual vocabulary, and that word is “NOW!” Now is the time for us to experience revival in our church and in our community. God is not so concerned with how good we did ministry in the past, as He is concerned with what are we going to do in the future.
If we really believe the Word of God, we must keep on – keeping on! We need to keep on looking and asking and searching. If we are faithful in a few things – God will move. Evangelism is something that can easily be put-off and just turned over to someone else. But if your read God’s Word it is a responsibility for all of us to carry the message of God’s love and forgiveness to those who need to hear it.
A music composer by the name of Lanny Wolfe wrote these words years ago:
“My house is full, but My field is empty.
Who will go and work for Me today?
It seems My children all want to stay around My table,
But no one wants to work in My field,
No one wants to work in My field.”
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1 Comment
Lanny Wolfe was a very wise man. Sometimes we forget his message in song is the most important thing we need to be doing. Thanks for sharing. Beth Allen