Pray for the Election

by Griff Henderson - Senior Pastor
It happened this morning. I was exercising with my friends and two of them started talking about the presidential election.  They could not understand how anyone could vote for the person that I am going to vote for. They said several negative comments about this candidate. I started loading up my thoughts with several negative thoughts about their candidate. But God stopped me...

Instead, I acknowledged that no human is perfect and I am glad that God is in charge and we need to turn back to him.    They responded with... agreement. These are two men that I pray for their salvation.  The Lord got the glory.

We probably won’t convince anyone to vote for our candidate this year. That decision has already happened. But we can talk to them about Jesus. Their eternity is at stake.

We believe that every person deserves the right to hear and see the gospel.  While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.  

What we can do this election:
Pray and vote.
2.    Pray for God’s will to occur in the election.
3.    Pray for salvation for all the candidates.
4.    Pray for a God movement in our country.
5.    Pray for a God movement in our church.

Jesus is the answer for the world today!!!!


Pamela aalgaard - October 15th, 2024 at 6:34pm

Very well said ! Thats exactly how I live my entire life. God gave us all free will . Its what we do with it that matters. I live my life remembering that God loves us all . We all fall short of his glory. There are all kinds of people in the world. In a nutshell. LOVE THE SINNER , HATE THE SIN . also just for giggles I don't talk politics with anyone. Even my hubby. Be blessed

John Gassen - October 15th, 2024 at 6:56pm

Well said, Pastor!

Libby Smith - October 15th, 2024 at 7:10pm

Well said, Griff. I agree with you that no minds will likely be changed through political dialogue, be it in person or on social media. It is a very personal decision. I think as Christians, we need to rise above the political fray, and simply be the hands and feet of Jesus, loving our neighbor, and doing good to those who may not do good to us. This will turn more hearts than contention. ❤️