What's That in Your Hand?

by Rusty Stowe - Senior Adult Minister
Years ago, a guy named Bill Green came to our state to serve as our Director of Church Music for Oklahoma Baptists. Bill had a saying that many of us took to heart. He said, “We either ALL do it, or we don’t do it at all!” He was talking about our involvement and commitment to the Singing Church men of Oklahoma. Through the years, I have used that phrase to help people realize we all have a place in our church. We are people coming together and ALL getting involved in the life and ministries of the church. Too many times though, many people want to sit back and let a FEW people do all the work. Statistics have show that in many of our churches 20% of the membership do 80% of the work. But that is not something new. The Bible tells us about one of our great heroes and all the excuses he used to let someone else accept the responsibility God wanted him to have.

Moses was a great leader! He was a faithful servant! When he was given a task to do, he did it! But early in his life he was like many of us, unwilling to let God use him as He wanted. In Exodus 3, we find the story about Moses and the burning bush. He gave God 4 excuses for not doing what God was calling him to do.

Verse 11-12 Moses asked, “Who am I?” In verses 13-14 Moses said, “I won’t know what to say!” In chapter 4 Moses said, “Lord, they won’t listen to me!” And then he said, “Lord, I just don’t talk so good!” To each of the excuses God gave His word to take care of Moses.

Even today we have people in our congregation who are DOUBTERS, not willing to serve in any capacity. We have WORRIERS, those who have been serving but for one reason or another they believe God is finished with them. We even have others who are COMFORTABLE, they have lots of skills and have been active at some time in their lives, but now they are comfortable in letting someone else do the job God called them to do.

In chapter 4 of the book of Exodus God asks Moses, “What is that in your hand Moses?” And then we see the conversation between Moses and the Lord: Moses was holding an old stick, it was battered and worn, in fact he was ready for a new one. And God said, “Moses, throw it down.”
We know the rest of the story! To Moses that old walking stick was nothing, but to God it was untapped potential if only it was released for Him to use.

What are you holding in your hand today? What is it that God is calling you to do that you are making excuses for not doing? If you are one of those who DOUBT remember God can and will use you. If you are one who is NERVOUS – don’t be. God told Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China that he would use Hudson to evangelize China if he would be willing to walk with Him.

The key to being used by God is AVAILABILITY! God doesn’t necessarily need our abilities as much as He wants our AVAILIBILITY. What are you still holding on to that God is telling you – let it go! Lay it down! Imagine what CHBC could look like if we all let God use us where He needs us.

1 Comment

TJ Tuck - October 1st, 2024 at 7:48pm

I love this! For quite a few years I thought I was too old to do much in the church and decided to step away and let the younger generation take over. But, it has been very exciting for me to submit to God’s plan and am once again involved in the children’s ministry. We all have a job to do in our church. I’m very thankful that God has found a home for me here.