Chisholm Heights Baptist Church is a church home that exists to build great faith in Jesus
Christ in every person in Mustang, Oklahoma, the United States, and in the world.


The Bible is the holy word of God completely true and relevant in today's world. It's both historical and educational. It was written by over 40 different authors over a period of more than 1500 years. It tells one continuous narrative of God's grace and glory in creating and ultimately redeeming mankind.

Jesus Christ is the only Son of God who came to earth to seek and save sinners by dying on a cross therefore paying the debt that each of us owes. Three days later he rose again, defeating death and offering hope and eternal life to anyone. We believe He is coming again to redeem all those who hope in Him and bring about his perfect kingdom forever.

We believe every human life is valuable and created in the image of God. However, as a result of sin, our condition has been broken and fallen and we have each fallen short of God's perfect standard and as a result, deserve death and eternity apart from our Creator. We need a savior.

Salvation is simple. It is nothing we do or say that saves us but only faith in the finished work of the cross by Jesus. His strength, His perfection and His love is what makes us right with God. All we have to do is believe it. It's a change of the heart from being hostile to God to living for Him as a result of knowing what He's done.

Water baptism is an outward reflection of an inward transformation that has taken place when we accept Christ. Jesus instructs His followers to follow Him just as He was baptized

Salvation is simple. It is nothing we do or say that saves us but only faith in the finished work of the cross by Jesus. His strength, His perfection and His love is what makes us right with God. All we have to do is believe it. It's a change of the heart from being hostile to God to living for Him as a result of knowing what He's done.