Daily Bread
By Griff Henderson - Senior Pastor
In the Lord’s prayer, or Model prayer, in Matthew 6:9-13 we get reminded to pray for God to give us this day our daily bread. Obviously that is talking about physical nourishment through food, but wider than that we are called to pray for God to give us what we need every day. Our dependence on God is every day, our trust everyday. May we be willing to remember and thank him for our daily bread.
Physically- food, health, shape, sleep
Emotionally- joy, love, peace
Spiritually- full armor of God, friends, family, church, obedience
God, on this day, give me time, wisdom, strength, power, resources to do everything I need to do, what you want me to do, and how you want me to do them.
We don’t have tomorrow's daily bread, we have already experienced yesterday's daily bread, but today we have everything we need to live a joyful, fulfilled, purposeful life.
Go for it!
We are thankful for what God is doing. Remember to love one another.
Pastor Griff
Physically- food, health, shape, sleep
Emotionally- joy, love, peace
Spiritually- full armor of God, friends, family, church, obedience
God, on this day, give me time, wisdom, strength, power, resources to do everything I need to do, what you want me to do, and how you want me to do them.
We don’t have tomorrow's daily bread, we have already experienced yesterday's daily bread, but today we have everything we need to live a joyful, fulfilled, purposeful life.
Go for it!
We are thankful for what God is doing. Remember to love one another.
Pastor Griff
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