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by Chris Watkins - Student Minister

Did you know Falls Creek is intentional each year with their theme and focus? They have a three-year theme cycle emphasizing root issues in the Christian student’s journey:

» Knowing the Character and Nature of God

» Practicing Spiritual Disciplines

» Living a Disciple-Making Lifestyle

This summer we will explore spiritual disciplines of the Christian life. In Christ we are:

» SAVED: Trust and take hold of Jesus.

» SET APART: Walk in obedience and come away from the world.

» SOLID: Seek to be like Christ

» SURRENDERED: Give your life to God out of gratitude.

Over these next few weeks (July 11-15 & 25-30) we will be going to Falls Creek for our student ministry’s middle and high school camps. This year’s theme is “CHOOSE!”. We are focusing on the theme verse Colossians 2:6-7 - “So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to walk in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude.”

This year we will use the illustration of a board game in talking about the choices we have in life. We will start each camp week with a lesson focused on the need to CHOOSE to play the game and place our game piece on the board (Salvation). If you could join our student ministry team in praying for our students and friends that will be joining us at camp to come to an understanding of who Jesus is in their life. Whether that is through a profession of faith, decision to grow closer to the Lord, or to answer a call to ministry. We are eager and excited for the days ahead!

The theme and verse this summer drive home the need to take this life seriously with the choices we make. How often are we met with choices in our daily life? Do we always CHOOSE to move forward with Jesus or do we sometimes CHOOSE to go our own way? What if we as a family of believers at CHBC decide we are going to CHOOSE Jesus each day? I believe this could be a summer to launch us into a great new school year!

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