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by Griff Henderson - Senior Pastor

CHBC, as a spirit led community of believers, embraces that every person matters to God and they deserve to hear and see the gospel

This is how our church can live this out.  (there are probably more)

One church family. What we do is for the common good of the gospel.

One God.  The same God loves us unconditionally.

One Savior. The same Savior, Jesus, is all of our Savior. We should live a life of gratitude.

One Spirit. The same Holy Spirit, lives in us and gifts us to help the  body of Christ.

One Commandment. We must love God and love people. Pray that we can!

One Commission. We should go around the world to share the gospel. Go, give, pray.

One Small group. You can't thrive without a small group/Sunday school class. It takes more classes to reach more people.

One Person matters.  God loves every person. We should minister to every person.


Your pastor loves you,


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